
Podman is an alternative to Docker, providing a similar interface. Podman allows users to create and manage containers on a Linux system. One of the challenges with containerization is the need to run containers as the root user, which can pose a security risk. One solution to this problem is to use user namespaces with Podman. In this article, we will explore what user namespaces are, how they can be used with Podman, and how to run a container as root inside the container while being non-root outside the container.

What are User Namespaces?

User namespaces provide a way to map user and group IDs inside a container to different IDs outside the container. This allows containers to be run as non-root users, without affecting the security of the host system. By using user namespaces, containers can be isolated from each other and from the host system, without compromising security.

Using User Namespaces with Podman

Podman supports user namespaces out of the box, making it easy to run containers as non-root users. To use user namespaces with Podman, simply start a container with the –userns=keep-id option. This option tells Podman to use the same user and group IDs inside and outside the container. Alternatively, the –userns=host option can be used to disable user namespaces altogether.

To run a container as root inside the container while being non-root outside the container, the –uidmap option can be used in conjunction with the –userns=keep-id option. This option allows the container to have a different range of user and group IDs inside the container than outside the container. For example, to run a container with a root user inside the container and a non-root user outside the container, the following command can be used:

podman run --userns=keep-id --uidmap=0:1000:1 mycontainer

This command tells Podman to map the root user ID 0 inside the container to a range of IDs starting at 1000 outside the container with a count of 1. This allows the container to have a root user inside the container, while being non-root outside the container.

Best Practices for Using User Namespaces

While user namespaces can improve the security of containerized environments, there are some best practices that should be followed to ensure that they are used effectively. One best practice is to limit the privileges of the container, even when it is running as a non-root user. Another best practice is to use seccomp filters and other security mechanisms to further isolate the container from the host system. Additionally, it is important to regularly update and patch the host system to ensure that any security vulnerabilities are addressed.


User namespaces provide a powerful way to run containers as non-root users, improving the security of containerized environments. By using user namespaces with Podman, users can create and manage containers with improved security and reduced risk. By using the –uidmap option, users can also run a container as root inside the container while being non-root outside the container. However, it is important to follow best practices and implement additional security measures to ensure that containers are properly isolated and secured. As with any security measure, ongoing monitoring and regular updates are essential to maintaining the security of containerized environments.